1. Purpose
Flow control valve is mechanically controlled one-way check valve that can control the flow. It is normally installed onto the connection pipe between transformer and oil tank. When there is massive oil flowing out or leakage due to internal failure with transformer or for other reasons, such flow control valve will respond with "shutting off against oil release" so that oil supply between oil reservoir and oil tank can be cut off immediately. Consequently, oil reservoir will not provide any supply to oil tank. Therefore, it is ideal and auxiliary protection for oil immersed power transformer.
2 技术参数
2. Technical data
2.1 Nominal diameter: ф80mm
2.2 Nominal pressure: 0.2Mpa
2.3 适应温度:-40°C~95°C
2.3 Applicable temperature: -40°C~95°C
2.4 最小关断流速:0.3~0.5m/s
2.4 Min. cut-off flow rate: 0.3~0.5m/s
2.5 信号接点型式:常闭接点三付
2.5 Signal contact point: normally closed contact: 1 pair
2.6 接点容量:20VA
2.6 Contact capacity: 20VA
3. Principle of construction
3.1 Flow control valve consists of valve body, valve bonnet, valve plate, dry-reed contact and reset handle (as seen in fig.1). Junction box is located on the valve bonnet. While transformer is in normal service, magnet 5 located on valve plate is attracted by the magnet on support 4. Valve plate 1 is projected at about 35° for half opening. Normally closed dry-reed contact 2 is in open position due to attraction by another magnet on valve plate. There is no signal output coming out of it.
3.2 当变压器出现故障,有油流外泻,且流速达到设定值时,阀板自动关闭,储油柜不再给变压器油箱补油。
3.2 In case transformer has failure and there is oil release with flow rate reaching the setting, valve plate will automatically shut off so that oil reservoir will stop supply to oil tank of transformer.
3.3 阀板关闭后,干簧接点脱离磁铁的吸引,接点闭合,通过接线盒3发出警报信号。
3.3 After valve plate is closed, dry-reed contact is not attracted by the magnet so that it closes. It will send out alarming signal through junction box 3.
3.4 变压器正常运动时,阀板能保持稳定的半开状态,一是靠磁铁相互吸引;二是靠复位机构中的一拉簧支承,即使变压器发生瞬间超压或受到意外震动,阀板也不会关闭。
3.4 While transformer is in normal service, valve plate can stably stay at half open for two reasons: mutual attraction between magnets and pulling by a spring of resetting mechanism. In case of transient overpressure or accidental vibration against transformer, the valve plate will not close up.
4 安装与使用
4. Installation and operation
4.1 Correct installation of flow control valve: Set up flow control valve in serial connection to the connection pipe between oil reservoir and transformer. Valve body should not tilt. The arrow should point towards the transformer.
4.2 外接信号引线与接线端子相接,阀板处在开通位置,干簧接点断开。
4.2 Signal out-lead should be connected to wire terminal. Valve plate is in engagement position and dry-reed contact is disengaged.
4.3 阀板关闭后无自动复位功能,运行中如出现阀板关闭,应顺时针方向转动手柄,将阀板打开,然后再逆时针方向转动手柄,使其复位。
4.3 Once valve plate is closed off, it does not have auto reset function. In case valve plate closes during operation, open up the valve plate by turning the handle in clockwise direction. Then get it reset by turning the handle in counterclockwise direction.
4.4 手柄复位后,手柄应处在水平位置,并用螺钉锁死手柄,以防止随意搬动,如果从储油柜注油或从变压器下面人为放油时,应顺时针方向转动手柄,使阀板打开,并用螺钉锁死手柄如图2所示。
4.4 Once the handle is reset, it should stay horizontal. Lock the handle up with screw to avoid any unexpected operation. When oil is filled through oil reservoir or oil is manually released at bottom of the transformer, turn the handle in clockwise direction so that valve plate opens. Then lock it up with screw as seen in fig. 2.
5 运行维护
5. Maintenance
5.1 在正常运行中信号灯不应接通,如果信号灯接通,应进行检查。
5.1 During normal operation, signal light should not be switched on. Implement a check when signal light is switched on.
5.1.1 检查阀板是否关闭,如手柄仍在正常开通位置,说明图1中项2干簧接点没有断开,此时应调整图1中接点夹,使接点断开。
5.1.1 Check to see if valve plate is closed. If handle is still in engaged position as normal, it indicates the dry-reed contact for item 2 as in fig. 1 is not disengaged. In this case, make adjustment to contact in fig 1 so that such contact disengages.
5.1.2 检查引线,如果有脱落或接触不良现象,应接好引线,使信号回复正常。
5.1.2 Check up the lead wire. In case falloff or poor contact, repair the connection so that there is normal signal communication.
6 注意事项
6. Precautions
6.1 控流阀出厂后不得随意拆卸或调整拉簧。
6.1 Dismantling or adjustment to pullback spring is prohibited after flow control valve is delivered out of factory.
6.2 如果拆卸阀芯,回装后必须重新进行流速整定试验,其流速值必须满足2.4规定上。
6.2 After valve spool is removed, please proper set up the flow rate and test it after assembly. Flow rate must fulfill requirement of 2.4.
7 改进说明
7. Notes to improvement
Based on original arrangement, three positions are added to flow control valve: ON, Operation and OFF. Flow rate remains unchanged. Now flow valve is more flexible and reliable.